Monthly Archives: April 2016


Just a few minutes ago I received a call from 607-233-4558. The Caller ID said Ithaca, NY. The woman on the other end a (something) Gray said that I had committed a serious Federal Crime and I was to call 607-233-4558 immediately. This was my second and last warning and if I did not comply there would be serious consequences.

It was an obvious scam and I promptly reported it to the FBI (WWW.IC3.GOV), the Pierce County Sheriff, and NOMOROBO ( If you haven’t got the NOMOROBR service, get it, it’s free and works like a charm for numbers which have been reported.

Please be aware that the scammers are targeting people in all walks of life. If someone calls you with something like this, just hang up. Legitimate government agencies don’t work this way.