Monthly Archives: September 2017

Suspicious Activity – Early Morning – 27 Sep and 28 Sep 2017

Yesterday Rod Okazaki came over and asked about a car he heard acting strangely at around 0250hrs. This morning I received an e-mail from Dav Eide on the same subject.  Just a while ago I received a phone call from Rod asking me to check around 0145hrs this morning because he was certain he had heard the same car come down 117th St. again.

Reviewing the pictures I found the car in question.  It appeared that the passenger had a laptop and that they were cruising around looking for unsecured WiFi signals.  This same car was seen at 0250hrs on the 27th and again at 0145hrs on the 28th. On the 28th it stopped on 136th Ave. E. just before it got to 11728, backed up to around 11734, then left the area.  If you do not have a secure password for your WiFi you may get hacked by these people.  We could not get a license plate shot because they appeared to have some sort of blocking which made it impossible for our license plate camera to get a clear picture of the plate.  Dav and I will be searching for a way to defeat this kind of blocking in the future.

While I was searching the pictures I observed a vehicle at 0305hrs stop at  the mailboxes across from Wayne Flood’s house. The passenger got out and walked to the mailboxes.  At first I thought it was a mail thief, but after careful examination of the pictures I believe it was the morning paper being delivered.  However – remember not to leave mail in your mailbox overnight.  If you are going to be away have someone pick up your mail or stop it at the Post Office. 


2017-09-27_02-55-18[M][0@0][0]image_17-09-27_03-08-34-97 2017-09-27_03-08-24[M][0@0][0]