Monthly Archives: August 2019

Notice of Tehaleh Road visiability meeting

The following POST is a meeting announcement requested by Wayne Reibold.

I wanted to see if anyone in Sunrise Terraces is interested in meeting with a Tehaleh rep and some people this Friday 10 am at the Legendary Donuts in Orting.  I attend meetings to represent Sunrise Terraces but cannot make the meeting this Friday.

The discussion is about trying to get Tehaleh to disguise the new FIVE LANE ROAD Tehaleh is building down the plateau from Tehaleh to SR162 to meet it at 128th.  The road will go down the hill at a diagonal from south to north and be very visible from Sunrise Terraces homes that have views of the valley and Mt Rainier.

We have met with Pierce County who will be building the road to try and get them to include tall trees to try and disguise it, paint the tall street lamps green to blend vs silver, etc but so far the County says they can’t do special things like this, that they have a standard way of building roads.  But that isn’t to say Tehaleh can’t help with landscaping since this road will be a main entrance to Tehaleh so they should want the landscaping to look nice. The road is expected to open within five years.

Anyone interested should contact Maxine at so we don’t get too many people showing up to the meeting.

Anyone is free to contact me at with questions as well.


Wayne Reibold