Monthly Archives: May 2024

Aggressive Dog In Our Neighborhood

Recently I was informed about an aggressive dog in our Neighborhood. It took several interactions by the person who was attacked and intervention by Animal Control before the owner decided to turn the animal over to Animal Control.  I am surprised that since a bite was sustained, Animal Control did not immediately quarantine the dog for observation. Pierce County has declined to pursue the matter since the dog was voluntary surrendered to Animal Control. However RCW 16.08.040 makes the dog owner completely responsible for dog bites.
In the above instance the victim showed what I consider too much restraint in dealing with the situation. Any animal bite requires the secure confinement of the animal for at least 10 days to rule out rabies. Failure to do so puts the person bitten in the position of hoping that they will not develop rabies, or having to submit to anti-rabies treatment.  Rabies is a disease which is almost 100% fatal after symptoms develop. To my knowledge there is only one person in history who is documented to have survived after developing symptoms of rabies.
Your health is not the only thing at risk in a dog bite case. For example the average cost per dog bite insurance claim rose about 7.1% between 2019 and 2020 due to increased medical costs and the size of legal judgments and settlements. As of 2020, the average cost per dog bite claim was around $50,245.
Without the necessary insurance to provide enough dog bite coverage, individual pet owners could be on the hook for a considerable amount of money if their dog injures another person.
Please insure that your pets are under control at all times. They can be injured or killed if they run out in front of a car or attack or be attacked by another animal. If they bite someone you and your family could well find yourselves bankrupt if you are sued and the judgement goes against you.