Monthly Archives: January 2019

Mail Thieves Are At It Again

This morning I received the following report from one of our neighbors:

On our early morning walk this morning, we found our neighbor’s mail strewn up the 136th hill on the curve where those cars park (which is dangerous to those of us going out as it is hard to see oncoming traffic around that curve).  There was more mail on the intersection of 118th & 136th and the mailboxes at the corner of 119th & 136th were all open with more mail on the ground. Just thought you’d like to know.



Crime In Our Neighborhood

This morning I received the information below from one of our neighbors.  It shows that Porch Pirates and Mail Thieves are actively working our Neighborhood.

****************************************************************************************     I just walked, and found several empty home shopping boxes across from Bob Alston home, on 118th st. east, which I assume were stolen from the addressee on 122nd St. east at 136th ave east.  Also, 2 mailboxes were open, yesterday at John Wenzens next door to us, and today at the Egge home off corner of 134th Ave East and Military.  Both are locking mailboxes and assume they got nothing. Both are the type once door is open there is a keypad type lock inside.  I assume we have thieves  patrolling again..!

Also the new reports of another pit bull on loose on the cul-de-sac (first one off 122nd st. east and Military)  caution to all walkers.


Today (5 Jan 2019) I received an alert on my RING app that a young blond woman had approached a home, quickly searched under the doormat then ran away. The home owner speculated that she was searching for keys to the home. If you MUST secrete house keys, please pick somewhere other than under the doormat, flower pot, etc. right near the door.  One thing I did notice was that the homeowner who posted the clip was relying on only the RING video to provide video of people approaching their front door. The video was clear. Unfortunately the RING was situated so that the motion detection triggered too late to show the face of the woman.  It would have been nice if another video camera was positioned so that it would detect motion and record when the woman approached the home and her face was visible.

Also just plain Porch Pirates are getting more active of late. The problem is that police forces frequently do not follow up on complaints because of lack of manpower, lack of evidence, etc .  Therefore the Porch Pirates get a free pass.  One recent report states that at least 23 MILLION Americans have become the victims of these unscrupulous scum. I searched the web for Porch Pirated GPS and found this: I hope our local police do something like this.