Monthly Archives: January 2021

New Urgent Information on SR162 Roundabouts

It seems that the Tacoma News Tribune did not give us the entire picture in their article which was referenced in the previous post.  Below is a communication from Maxine Herbert-Hill of the committee.  Could the readers of this Blog please pass the informaion along to their friends and neighbors who do not read this Blog?  It is vital that we get at least 100 more signatures on the petition. Go to and sign the petition.

I wanted to let you know that the article in the paper and in the online version are untrue.  We have not lost the battle. It wages on with this legislative session.  As you know we are collecting signatures on our petition that the legislators asked for so they can leverage their conversation with others.  The legislators agree with us and will be working to get a new environmental review required for this roundabout.  Pierce County has given their lobbyist a directive to work toward that goal as well.  So with the legislators and Pierce County working with us, this is anything but dead!  I am disappointed in the paper and the reporter that we were not accurately represented even though I sent her documentation on what WSDOT is using to make this roundabout decision and how erroneous it is.  She did not look at anything I provided that would challenge WSDOT.  She just printed everything they said.  It’s what they didn’t say that proves it wrong.  They say only half truths.  The whole truth would reveal how wrong it is.

So if you would please pass on to your Sunrise Terrace folks that this is NOT a lost cause, it is not a done deal.  Only WSDOT thinks so, and they want the rest of the world to think so so they won’t be challenged on it.   We need all the signatures we can get, so if you know anyone who has not signed it, please encourage them to sign it right away.  We only have one more week and we need about 100 more signatures.

Maxine Herbert-Hill committee