Monthly Archives: October 2019

Vacant House ? — Be Alert for Squatters!!!

As many of you know there is a problem on 136th Ave E.  Squatters have moved into a home and there have been two serious Police interventions there in the last two months.

It appears that once Squatters have settled into a house for a while it is much more difficult to get them out than if the problem were addressed in the first day or two of their occupancy.  For this reason, we are requesting residents of our Neighborhood to be especially vigilant about vacant houses on their street.

We would offer these suggestions:

1. If a real-estate sign goes up, make a note of the agent’s name and phone number.  If someone moves into the house, call the realtor to make certain that it has been sold or rented. If the realtor says the property is supposed to be vacant, call 911 and report a possible burglary in progress.

2. If there was never a sign, call the owner to make certain that the new occupants are not Squatting. ( This is one of the reasons we need to keep the Neighborhood Directory up to date.  ) If the owner says the property is supposed to be vacant, request he call 911.

3.  If you can’t do either 1 or 2 above, then call and e-mail Kirk Hall (253) 840-0411, . I will pass the message to  one of the Architectural Control Committee members, and give them all the information you have (house address; when people living there showed up; how many people; what sex are the people; number of vehicles present; changes they have made to the property ( example: garage door removed/ broken; windows/doors broken ); whether you have already called the realtor or owner, and what kind of answer you received.

4. There is a lady named  “Amanda” at the Sheriff’s Department.  She is the  Community Liaison Program Coordinator.  Her number is 253-798-4814.  She said to call her if we notice any further damage to the house or any criminal activity.  If necessary she will pass the message along to the Community Liaison, Deputy Jeff Papen.

If someone calls in a crime they should take the Deputy’s name and phone number and request a follow up from him/her. That way they know an officer checked on the situation.

Note:  Many of our neighbors do not read the post we put on the Blog.  Sometimes it is because they do not get the Alert Notifications we send out when something new is posted, because they never asked to be on the Alert Notification List.  This is a particularly important post.  Please take time to ask your nearest neighbors if they get the Alerts and if they have read this post.

Branches Blocking Sidewalks & Street Lights

Sunrise Terrace Neighbors,

A concern has been raised regarding low hanging branches that force pedestrians to walk further out in the street and block illumination from the street lights.  Please check your property sidelines for branches which may be hanging out in the street or sidewalk. Branches blocking the street lights just make it darker for everyone.  Pierce county has trimmed some areas but other areas are the responsibility of the homeowners. Please help keep our Neighborhood safe to walk in and as well illuminated as possible.


Please Come! Neighborhood Meeting. Important Guest Speaker.

Sunrise Terrace Neighbors,

Please come to the annual neighborhood meeting this Tuesday, Oct. 22, 7pm, at Sunrise Baptist Church.  We just got confirmation that a deputy from the Pierce County Sheriff’s Office will be a guest speaker.  He will update us on changes in the department and a new code enforcement program.  He is familiar with our neighborhood issues.  Bring your questions and concerns about safety.  We will also get a brief update on  Meet your neighbors, enjoy some cookies, and vote for new board members.  We suggest a $5/household donation to the neighborhood fund.   

Neighborhood Alert!!

Some of you may be aware that there are problems with the people who are currently occupying the house at 11915 136th Ave. E. (North East corner of 136th Ave. E. and Military Rd. E. { Parcel # 8015000031} ). Several weeks ago, there was a large (7 car) Sheriff’s presence at the house and at least one person was taken away in handcuffs.

Several attempts were made to alert the property owner and when he was reached, he said that no one was supposed to be living in the home. It was subsequently learned that the house is scheduled for Foreclosure by Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington;108 1st Ave South, Suite 202, Seattle, WA 98104, Phone Number (866) 925-0241.

We were given the name of one of the deputies who responded to the house on August 22.  His name is Deputy Phil Wylie and his number is (253) 377-1764.  Deputy Wylie was called on Oct. 11, and in summary, we were given to understand that the occupants at the house at 11915 136th Ave. E. are “Squatting” and are “bad people.”  We were advised not to approach the house but should report any suspicious activity to Deputy Wylie.

We think it’s also good to follow through on the reporting neighbors started with Pierce County Code Enforcement. To file a report you can start at ( At the Pierce County website, under code enforcement, there is an option to search for a case by case number ( ). We did that yesterday and saw the property has case number 68128 and has been assigned to Jason Arbogast, Jason’s number is listed as (253) 798-8582.   We are assuming the more people that file a report, the better.

—– Car Prowler —– New Tricks to Enter Your Car

A friend just let me know about a new trick thieves have to get into your car. You may remember a series of car break-ins in Seattle where several cars parked outside of condominiums were entered without damage, and the owners swore that they were locked when the owners went to bed.

The trick for entering a modern locked car depends on two things: (1) The car must be new enough that it only requires that the car key fob be present in the vicinity for the car to unlock and be started. (2) That the thief has a new  device which captures the fob signal and amplifies it so that it appears to be in the vicinity of the car.  The whole thing is explained in an article on the web site:

Dangerous Scam Repeats

Last night as I watched the news, the scam I reported on in this site on 29 May was reported again. (see below)
A well dressed man and woman in a nice white car with two children exchanged gold jewelry for “gas money” from a victim at a gas station. The “Gold Jewelry” turned out to be fake.  This scam has being going on for at least a year.
If you are approached at a gas station, parking lot, park, etc. or flagged down on the street or highway, remember that the person who has approached you may be a career criminal.  Follow the advice below.


Dangerous New SCAM

On the news tonight was a piece about a Dangerous New SCAM. People from California through Washington State have been robbed beside the highway because they gave in to their natural desire to help.

The victims  have pulled over to help a (usually well dressed) family with car trouble. There are children in the car  and the parents make a heartfelt plea for monetary assistance, often offering their jewelry as collateral.  If you accept that Rolex and give them all the money in your wallet (say for the sake of argument you just cashed a check and have $300), you just got ripped off by about $280.  The Rolex, along with all the other jewelry they have is fake.
A woman here in Washington stopped for a well dressed family driving a nice car.  After hearing his plea she gave the man $20, but he followed her to her car and grabbed other cash she had there (cash which did not belong to her, and which she had to sell belongings to replace.
This vicious SCAM is spreading.  In the future if you see a family stranded by the side of the road, with someone frantically trying to flag you down for help, DO NOT STOP.  Instead get a description of the car (and license number if possible) and the people in it.  Then call 911, giving the location of the vehicle and any other information you have.  Tell the 911 operator you suspect criminal activity and you believe that these people have police scanners. Warn the 911 operator that if the call goes out over the air, the crooks will move.
If the people are innocent and are really in trouble, then you have provided better help than you could give.  If they are crooks, then you have provided help to all the rest of us.