Monthly Archives: August 2018

Theft at 12302 137th Ave. E. & 13521 118th St. E.

Mike & Carolyn Olson 12302 137th Ave. E. have reported a theft. ” A men’s silver bike, a backpack blower and wooden box with beer pulls were stolen from our front porch and side yard shed around July 20th,  we did file a police report I have pictures of box and beer pulls this all most likely happened around July 20 give or take a few days.”

Hollis Barnett has informed me that a hanging basket was stolen from his front porch on the afternoon or evening of 4 July and Dr. Alston had a bicycle stolen from his front porch three weeks ago (which would have been around 13 July).


Copper Thieves

The TV news reported that thieves had removed copper wiring and piping from a number of air condition units at businesses in North Puyallup.  The cost to repair the damage is thousands of dollars.  These thefts interrupted business activity, resulted in very high temperatures and loss of business until the air conditioners could be repaired. The advantage to the thieves is probably less than $100.

The news also reported that some of the businesses concerned have now installed Closed Circuit Security Surveillance (that’s Security Cameras to you and me).  A classic case of closing the barn door after the livestock has escaped.

Let’s be on the lookout for strange vehicles and strangers in our Neighborhood. If the thieves are now hitting businesses for the copper that they can reach in air-conditioning units, they might start eyeing private homes next.