Too Fast Porsche

The information below was sent to me by one of our neighbors. If you know the individual who owns the bright blue Porsche, please let him/her know they need to slow down.

There was a bright blue Porsche that went about 60mph down 136th Ave at night on Saturday at about 630 the 15th thru the sunrise neighborhood. I watched it burn out and tear past 3 times and then just saw a car exactly like the one I saw last night  pulling out of the loop at 118th this morning at 9am. So thinking they may live in here. We went out to the road to see if it came thru again, but just heard it tearing off down Military toward 162. If they do live I here, why would they think it’s ok to go that fast in a family residential neighborhood.  Not sure if we have any communication with the Shawnee Ridge neighborhood to make them aware as well.

Also, the section of road on 136th after the 4 way stop going towards Shawnee Ridge seems to be where people are going 30-40 mph consistently. There are at least 5 small children living /visiting around this corner and many dogs, plus there are no sidewalks until farther down the road and people must walk on the street. We have no speed limit signs and not sure if we can put some in.  It is a blind corner near the intersection of 118th and 136th, and the kids run across the street all the time to play in the park. I am concerned with the amount of traffic going so fast that it will result in a bad accident.


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