ROBBERY at 11619 Jennifer Court East

Quick report on the robbery at 11619 Jennifer Court East. As reported by Eric Hrivnak.

It was a quick grab of items sometime between 0900-1600 on 13 JAN 2015.  Guessing 2 people who wore gloves because there were no prints.  One had to be slender or small because entry had to be through a medium size dog door.  No door or windows broken. Somehow they got our new dog Luna locked into the laundry room.  The dog is not well trained but is aggressive to strangers.

The big item they got was Julie’s jewelry which included her engagement ring.  Some of the kids stuff including x-box and piggy banks. Julie thinks they got spooked by something when they got on the top floor, because the computer was moved but left with 2 IPADS next to it.

For what they grabbed they may have only been in the house  10 minutes.

I talked to a detective who does not work for Pierce County.  He said the best way to stop this is cameras that record the people in the act.  He said the all police forces are overworked and under scrutiny so personal property theft has very low priority.  Personal Property theft is up 40% in the Seattle area.  Communities have to protect themselves and rely on good neighborhood watches.

I almost bought the Costco cameras 6 weeks ago on sale, but procrastinated looking at other products that would best fit our house.  Cameras and security system will be installed this week. Too little, to late.

I will also network with Kirk’s system when he find a good camera for the system.

This should be a wakeup call for everyone.  If robbers will go into our cul-de-sac with only one way in and out and a big sign at the top of the hill saying they are being watched, they will go to any corner of our neighborhoods to rob.  Everyone should get a camera system ASAP.

Julie said there is a possibility they may have been on foot because what was taken was small and could be carried in a backpack.  They may have walked thru the empty lot with the big concrete slab to our south.  Maybe a parked car on the other side out of camera range on 136th, or live in the neighborhood.

As an addendum to Eric’s report — Most people don’t think of dog doors as an entry way into their houses, but obviously they are.  If you do have or plan to have an animal door installed in your home, make certain that you can securely LOCK the door when you are not home, or at night. The fact that the robbers did not leave any prints indicates to me that these people have done this before.  They will do it again and again until they are caught in the act. Thank goodness Julie was not at home when these people broke in.

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