The covenants for Sunrise Terrace were initially filed in the 1960’s, renewed in 1988, and renewed again in 2013. They do not expire now until 2038. As homes and vacant lots are listed for sale we want all new homeowners to be aware of our covenants. Please pay particular attention to the covenants regarding new construction, trees, and roofs.
We have an active architectural control committee. Neighbors meet each fall for an annual meeting. We do not charge a homeowner’s fee; we use donations to cover the cost of our meeting and mailings. Sunrise Terrace also has a neighborhood watch program, which includes cameras, alarm systems, and communication between neighbors.
To locate covenants go to Pierce County Web Site.
- Click on government listing tab, select auditors department, recorded documents
- Scroll down to “search on-line”, public disclosure database, click “here”
- Acknowledge disclaimer
- Select recorded documents at top of page
- Enter Sunrise Terrace for party name. All documents related to properties within Sunrise Terrace are listed, including current (amended) and original versions of our covenants and maps for each addition. To narrow search, select amend covenants.